Learn about cord blood banking

July is the umbilical cord blood awareness month, and it's the perfect time to learn more about cord blood and biological products regulated by the food and Drug Administration (Administration FDA). Umbilical cord blood is present in the blood vessels of the placenta and the umbilical cord and is collected immediately after the child's birth and cut the umbilical cord; an important detail.
"Given that umbilical cord blood is usually collected after birth and after having cutthe cable, the surgery tends to be safe for both mother and baby," says Dr. Keith Wonnacott, PhD, Chief of the branch of cellular therapies of cellular therapies, tissuesand genetics, FDA Office.

Information about the storage of umbilical cord blood

After getting the cord blood, freezes and can be safely stored for many years. "The freezing process-called ' cryopreservation '-it is very important to preserve the integrity of the cells," says Dr. Wonnacott. "The umbilical cord must be carefully preserved."
Blood from the umbilical cord of the child can be stored in a private bank, so that itis available if your child-or with first or second degree relatives-the future need. Private cord blood banks tend to pay for the collection and storage of blood.

Alternatively, the blood can donate to a public bank so that doctors can use to treat patients who need transplants of Scrubs.

The FDA regulates the umbilical cord blood in different ways, depending on their origin, level of processing and established use.

Umbilical cord blood stored for personal use in the first or second degree relatives and also meet other requirements of FDA regulations, does not require its approval organization before being used. Even so, the private banks must meet FDA requirements, including those that require them to register and join ads, have updated rules regarding the correct use of fabrics and perform tests and analysis of infectious diseases in their patients (except when the original donor's cord blood will be used). These requirements of the FDA ensures the safety of these products in order to minimize the risk of contamination and the transmission of infectious diseases.

The cord blood that is stored to treat patients without kinship with the donor is entitled to be considered a "drug" and a "biological product". Umbilical cord blood in this category will have to meet additional requirements to be authorized according to a biological license application and subject searching for new drug application before being able to be used. FDA requirements help ensure the safety and efficacy of products to their intended uses.

Not all units of cord blood meets the requirements necessary to be able to store ina public bank, adds Safa K, M.T., an FDA consumer safety officer. If this happens, part of this cord blood Donated can be used for non-clinical research.

Tips for consumers

If considering donating to a cord blood bank, it is important to study the various options during pregnancy to have enough time to make a decision before the birth of the child. If you would like to donate to a public bank, ask if the Hospital where bearparticipates in a program of umbilical cord blood storage.
If you have any questions about the risks and the procedures that are followed to obtain blood, or about the donation process, please ask your doctor.

The FDA also offers a database that can be accessed with information about registered cord blood banks.

Does not create any statements that say that umbilical cord blood is a miracle cure;This is not. Some parents may wish to consider the possibility of using a private bank as an "insurance" against diseases that may arise in the future. But it's important to remember that, currently, the only approved use of umbilical cord blood is the treatment of blood diseases (blood diseases).

It's also important to know, in some cases, the cord blood stored maybe not adequate for the baby who donated it. "For example, it is not possible to cure some diseases or genetic defects with umbilical cord blood that contains the same disease or defect"

Umbilical cord blood
Umbilical cord blood (also called cord blood) is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta, once your baby is born and is cut the cable. The umbilical cord is what connects your child with the placenta. The placenta grows into your uterus(womb) and provides food and oxygen to the baby through the umbilical cord.
The umbilical cord contains stem cells. These are the cells that can develop into specific types of cells in your body. Stem cells can be used to treat certain diseases, such as certain forms of cancer and anemia. Anemia occurs when you don't have enough healthy red blood cells in the blood to carry oxygen to the rest of your body.

Sometimes the cord blood is discarded along with the umbilical cord and placenta after childbirth. But some people want to save or donate blood from the cord (on a Bank of umbilical cord blood) so that you can use later to cure diseases.

How stem cells are used to treat diseases?

In most healthy people, the bone marrow produces stem cells. Bone marrow is the soft fatty tissue inside the bones. But sometimes a person's bone marrow stops working and does not produce enough healthy stem cells. For people with diseases such as cancer, certain treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy can kill healthy stem cells.

If a person needs new stem cells, you can become a blood stem cell transplant cordblood or common. Or maybe you can try a bone marrow transplant. The new stem cells transplantation can begin to produce healthy new cells.

You have options to save your baby's cord blood?

If you do save your baby's cord blood bank, talk with your medical professional. You have two main options:

Donate to a public cord blood bank. For most families, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that donate cord blood to a public Bank of blood. This donation is used for research or to help others. You don't pay for the donation. If you or a family member once need of umbilical cord blood, you can use that donated. But maybe you can use the cord blood donated by other people. The national bone marrow donor program "Be the Match" (be compatible donor) helps families find cord blood, if they need it. Umbilical cord blood banks participating in this program. Food and Drug Administration oversees all public cord blood banks. This means that all these public banks must adhere to the same rules and safety measures to collect and store umbilical cord blood. The law on stem cell research and therapy (therapeutic stem cells and Research Act) helps to be stored more cord blood in public banksof blood. That law assists public banks to store more umbilical cord blood and to achieve compatibility for more patients.
Store in a private cord blood bank. You can keep your child's umbilical cord blood in a private bank in the event that your child or any family member you need ever. This can be a good option if you have a child or a family with a health disorder that perhaps should be treated with a stem cell transplant. Depending on the Bank you choose, it costs about $ 2,000, plus approx $ 125 annual. The chances of your child ora family member should use the umbilical cord ever stored are very low: about 1 ofevery 2700. Private banks must register with the FDA, but are not required to followthe same rules and safety for public banks. It is possible that these institutions will try to convince parents that keep blood from your baby's cord, because one day you will need. As mentioned before, the chances that must use your child's cord blood are very low.
If you decide not to donate, or save your baby's cord blood, he cast off after the birth of his son.

What are the benefits of stem cells from umbilical cord blood?

Cord blood stem cells may offer additional benefits in comparison with those of the blood or bone marrow. These include:

Safe and easy collection. The collection of stem cells from umbilical cord blood doesn't mean risks for you or your child. But to donate bone marrow, you should have a procedure under anesthesia. Anesthesia is a drug that reduces or prevents the pain.You may feel some pain after the procedure and there is a small risk of complications. If you donate blood stem cells, must give multiple injections. That can cause pain in the bones, muscle pain or other side effects.
Increased compatibility. Of bone marrow or blood stem cell transplant, must be a nearly perfect compatibility of certain proteins of the donor and the person receivingthe stem cells. It can be difficult to find the right compatibility. Stem cells from umbilical cord blood can take effect, although some proteins may not be compatible. This means that maybe more people can find compatibility with umbilical cord blood.
Ready to use. Cord blood doesn't need much processing time. Once you reach the Bank of umbilical cord blood, is ready to go pretty quickly. With bone marrow, takes time to find a donor who is compatible and a champion.
Best chance of a successful transplant. People with transplants of stem cells from umbilical cord blood are less likely to have problems or infections after transplant than those who have bone marrow transplants. Some studies suggest that stem cells from umbilical cord blood can create more blood back to the bone marrow.
There are some disadvantages of using stem cells from umbilical cord blood. The umbilical cord contains a small amount of blood. Sometimes it is not enough for a stem cell transplant for an older child or an adult. Moreover, umbilical cord blood stem cells can take longer to start producing blood cells to stem cells from bone marrow.

When deciding whether to save your baby's cord blood?

It is best to talk with your health care professional about 28 to 34 weeks of pregnancy of their options for cord blood. In this way, you will have enough time to discover the different cord blood banks.

Include the decision on the umbilical cord in your birth plan. The birth plan is a set of instructions that they give you on the birth of your baby. You can include details such as where do you want to have your child and which person you want to be with you during labor and birth. The plan for the March of Dimes birth include a question about preservation of umbilical cord blood.

Not all hospitals allow you to donate umbilical cord blood to a public bank. Visit the national marrow donor Program to see the list of hospitals (English site) which allow it.

How do the umbilical cord blood collected?

If you choose to store your child's umbilical cord blood, your practitioner will be collected immediately after the birth of his son. There is no difference if you have a vaginal birth or c-section. Caesarean section is an operation in which the child is born by a court that the doctor has in the abdomen and uterus.

The health professional usually uses the tools collection set that takes care of the cord blood bank. To collect the cord blood, professional place a clamp on one side of the umbilical cord and use a needle to draw blood. The blood is collected in a bag and is then sent to the Bank of umbilical cord blood.

What types of health disorders can be treated with stem cells?

Each year in the United States more than 10000 people are diagnosed with illnessespossibly mortals who can be treated with a stem cell transplant. These conditions include the following:

Types of blood, such as leukemia and Lymphoma cancer
Bone marrow diseases such as Fanconi anemia
Some anemias, such as thalassemia and sickle cell anemia, aplastic anemia
Some problems of the immune system, such as severe combined immunodeficiency(SCID)
Metabolism problems inherited, as Hurler and leukodystrophies
Scientists are studying whether cord blood may be used to treat other diseases andhealth disorders, such as cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, diabetes and Parkinson's disease

How is the preservation of umbilical cord blood in a "family" or the private bank?
Famiilares of umbilical cord blood or private banks a fee for collecting, processing, freezing, and save your baby's cord blood, rich in stem cells for future use doctor in your family.

Family cord blood bank are the only means that he has a family to save blood from the umbilical cord of their baby exclusively for their own use (Unlike public banks, cord blood donations which are available to anyone who needs them, anywhere in the world.)

If you read English, you will find information about the different family banks around the world on the Foundation's website parent's Guide to cord blood (parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation).

Look for more information about how to collect and use the cord blood, read our article introduction to preservation of umbilical cord blood.
How much does it cost to store umbilical cord blood in a family Bank?
Family cord blood bank to pay an initial fee ranging from about 1400 to 2300 dollars, in addition to an annual fee between 115 and retention costs 150 dollars. Banks offer payment plans ranging from monthly interest free financing to long term.

There is a new trend among these banks offer one low price that includes all costs of preparation and storage of blood from the cord for 20 years. In the long run, this option is cheaper than traditional annual payments.

Although it may seem quite expensive, the cost of preparation and storage of umbilical blood through the freezing is high. Public banks also argue that the cost of collection, analysis, processing and storing stem cells cord blood reaches between 1500and 2,000 for cord blood units.

When you compare the different banks and costs, consider the following:
Some banks offer discounts if you buy in advance a longer storage period (5, 10 or20 years, for example).
Some banks include the cost of base value for special shipments of medical content, while in other cases, the cost is extra.
Some banks offer discounts for parents who have stored the blood of more than one child. It is also common to offer discounts to military and emergency services staff.
The final price is almost always less than the official price, since it is common for banks to offer discounts and special offers for a limited time ". You will find these discount coupons for banks at BabyCenter and on the Foundation's website guide for parents about umbilical cord blood (parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation).
The quality of the more expensive cord blood bank services is better?
Yes, they say that the most expensive family banks, with the argument that quality is directly related to the price. It says ' No ', the cheapest, who argue that they operatewith a lower profit margin.

A most convenient Bank couldn't do things the best way possible, for example, does not provide a good thermal containers for shipment of the sample, which provides cell survival during transport. Or you can simply invest less in advertising and transfer those savings to their customers. This price does not always determine the quality.
Can I store cord blood from my baby for my family use without paying anything?
Yes, but only if someone in your family is suffering from some diseases that could be treated with cells from your baby. Your family's financial situation does not affectyour eligibility for these programs.

Many family cord blood banks organized beneficial programs that offer free storageof cord blood, when there is a family member, if you are a parent, sibling or child self, with a medical condition that requires treatment with stem cells. You can ask your doctor to complete a document about your medical history to let you accept in such programs. You will find more information (in English) on "assistance for needy families" the Foundation's Guide for parents on umbilical cord blood.

Currently, there are no funds from the Government for any of these programs, and are offered at the discretion of each bank as its funding and based on its partnerships with charitable organizations to support patients with certain illnesses. These programs are subject to change, if you think you'll need, it is important that you investigate them as soon as possible during your pregnancy.
Can also qualify for free cord blood banking services if your child is diagnosed before birth a disease that qualify to participate in clinical trials. For example, if diagnosed the child Hydrocephalus or a congenital problem in the heart before he was born, there are programs that allow you to travel to a specialist hospital to give birth to your baby. We collect their cord blood at birth and provide adequate medical care.

If you have any questions about the eligibility requirements for these programs, you can email the Foundation for parents the umbilical cord blood of a: info@ParentsGuideCordBlood.org. The Foundation has a panel of medical advisers who respond toquestions about medical conditions, very rare and experimental therapies.
How long can my child's blood stem cells be stored?

Many parents wonder whether their child's umbilical cord stem cells remain viable when your child is older. Scientists claim that has preserved through freezing cells have no expiration date and blood preserved in this manner should be kept in good condition for several decades.

The scientist responsible for the development of cord blood banking methods has confirmed that some of the first samples frozen over 23 years ago remain powerful as fresh cord blood.
It is more important to save the cord blood in my family, there are some medical conditions?

The decision to keep the baby's cord blood is something that could benefit from any family. But if there is a history of leukemia, lymphoma, anemia, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, immune system disorders, metabolic storage diseases or other similar conditions in your family, the probability that someone in your family needs a stem cell transplant is higher than in the rest of the population. In that case, keep your baby's cord blood in a family Bank is something that will give you greater peace of mind.

If you want to analyze the probability that your child has one of these diseases, ask your doctor which refer to a genetic Counsellor.

Another factor to consider in the decision to keep the cord blood bank in a family are complications of pregnancy that took her mother. Any medical condition that might cause a premature birth increases the probability that the child can develop some health problems affecting premature infants. Studies in the treatment of many of these management issues to the children's own cord blood is currently underway.

For example, the incidence of cerebral palsy is 10 times higher in premature babies that at the end, so the ability to store the cord blood may be more valuable for mothers who have a higher risk of giving birth prematurely. (By the way, premature infants are so small that the amount of cord blood collected is not enough to donate to a public bank).

Because the potential benefits of premature newborns and other neonates with umbilical cord complications at birth are that many, some hospitals are carrying out the pilots of programs through which free storage of cord blood services to parents of all children who get an Apgar score low birth weight.
If I keep the cable from one of my blood of children, will be enough for the whole family?

If you decide to keep your baby's cord blood in a family Bank and plan to have more children, you should take into consideration in order to preserve the blood of each of your children. Many more units of cord blood, the more likely one of the samples is compatible with the family member who needs it.
Additional resources for cord blood banking

If you want to learn more about cord blood and how it can save your life, read our article on introduction to preservation of umbilical cord blood. You will find us from defining what is umbilical cord blood for the reasons why parents decide to keep it.Also read the articles on how to donate the umbilical cord blood and more.